Sunday, March 14, 2010


Yesterday I was sitting in my recliner watching a little TV. Actually I was watching the second half of a movie I fell asleep during the night before, 2012. Not bad, kinda cool idea, effects and some dialog gems.

My dog, who is a black lab mut rescue dog was lying on the end of the couch nearest to me. His head was resting comfortably on the couch's bolster, his gaze lazily aimed in my direction. In general he's my wife's dog and couldn't care less about me. So his looking in my direction made me feel like I was a window or that he was looking beyond me. Not that my dog makes me feel insecure but I don't aspire to be the person my dog thinks I am.

What really struck me was that he looked completely, absolutely relaxed. Saturday afternoon was transpiring and he didn't exhibit any concern whatsoever. I realized that, with a very marginal bit of help from me and my wife, he was totally set. So set that he couldn't care less.

Should we all be worried that dogs can figure out life easier than we do?

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